То у них Гольфстрим замёрзнет, то Ниагара, то Буффало Билл!

Потрясающие виды с Ниагарского водопада показывают дюймы свежего снега после разрушительного шторма, обрушившегося на Буффало и приведшего к гибели десятков людей. Аэрофотосъемка запечатлела последствия катастрофического шторма: снег завалил обочины пешеходных дорожек и горы льда сгрудились у набережной. Чудовищный ураган пронесся по штату Нью-Йорк в рождественские выходные и быстро стал самым смертоносным за последние 50 лет. По состоянию на вторник погибло около 50 человек. “К сожалению, полиция ожидает, что это число возрастет”, – написал в Твиттере Байрон Браун, мэр Буффало.

Aerial shots captured the stunning aftermath of Niagara Falls, New York on Tuesday after a monster storm swept through the western part of the state

Все фотографии сделаны во вторник 27 декабря.

A tourist was seen bundled up in a winter coat and hat while taking a selfie with the partially frozen waterfalls. A tower viewer was seen completely covered in ice

Water flowed to the bottom of the Niagara Falls and onto piles of ice and snow mounted onto rocks

Tourist in massive coats were seen gazing at the partial frozen water falls, including two dogs

An aerial shot showed inches of snow off to the bottom sides of the waterfall. Mist was seen evaporating into the air as the water from the top reached the bottom

The stunning view was complemented with sunshine all around. Building can be seen off in the distance

Inches of snow and ice covered trees and plants. Certain areas of Niagara falls remains frozen after the storm this past weekend

A closer aerial view showed piles of ice at the bottom of the waterfall and around the rocks

Water can be seen above moving through partially frozen areas to make it to the bottom

A wider aerial view showed the spectacular Niagara Falls that shares a border with Canada

What appears to be piles of rocks and ice were seen on a small leading into the water at the bottom of the waterfall

A bridge was seen over Niagara Falls without a trace of snow as tourist made there ways on the paved pathway

Spectators gathered around the frozen railing and overlooked the falls. Some snapped a picture of the spectacular sighting

A side aerial view of the falls showed the hill side completely covered in inches of snow

Another aerial shot captured the blocked off area of Niagara Falls that is completely covered in a blanket of snow
Empty seats that are usually used to observe the beauty of the area were occupied by snow

Several spectators gazed out at the falls with buildings seen in the background

Tourists were seen walking along a pathway in between fully iced areas

One man walked around the area wearing a Santa Clause costume two days after Christmas. He carried a brown sack with him

Officials appeared to have blocked off frozen pathways with 'Danger' signs. Areas appeared to be completely layered with ice

Trash cans also got a temporary new look and were covered in ice
An ice pathway can be seen above with several icicles hanging from stair and walkway railings

One man took a picture of the snowy sites. Meanwhile, the tower views were covered in about an inch of ice

Spectators overlooked the moving waters from behind frozen railings

One spectator in a blue beanie can be seen taking a photo of the falls as many gathered around the railing

Tourist used the beautiful sight as a photo opportunity

What appears to be rocks and tree roots were seen in the water completely covered in ice. Icicles were seen hanging from the tree branches and extending into the water
Visitors were seen walking along a parkway that appeared to have been recently paved

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